7 Gems by Leo Burnett

Leo Burnett was a pioneer of advertising, he founded a worldwide agency that ranks among the giants of the industry. Burnett was a firm believer in research, and was always seeking the combination of image and language which would evoke the most positive emotional response. Burnett was one of the first to seriously use Motivational Research (MR) in advertising, because he felt that if he could find out what people liked, he could more successfully create effective ads - here are his 7 rules!


1. One of the greatest dangers of advertising is not misleading people but boring them to death


2. Good writing is rapidly becoming a lost art of advertising


3. Keep it simple. Let’s do the obvious thing and let’s do it uncommonly well


4. What helps people helps business


5. If people could tell you in advance what they want there would never be a wheel, lever, much less an automobile, aeroplane or TV set


6. We want consumers to say that’s a heck of a product, instead of that’s a hell of an ad


7. I listen to everybody and take notes, especially from Salesman.


A nice checklist don't you think?

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